Dr. Manoj J Pradhan, is the leading name in Cardio Thoracic surgery in Pune. He is attached to several reputed cardiac institutes in Pune. He is a visiting surgeon to the leading hospitals in Maharashtra. He has an experience of over 22 years in Cardio Thoracic surgery...


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CABG – How the Procedure Works

CABG is an open heart procedure performed for more than 40 years for people with any degree of CAD. About 300,000 CABG procedures are performed each year in which one or more healthy blood vessels are taken from the leg, arm or chest and used to create new vessels for the heart. The resulting new bypass graft enables blood to reach your heart muscle by flowing around the blocked portion of the diseased artery. The increased blood flow reverses ischemia and reduces the risk of a heart attack.6

CABG can be performed one of two ways: on-pump using a cardiopulmonary bypass machine or off-pump, often referred to as off-pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB) where the heart is kept beating during the procedure.
On-Pump Surgery: The majority of open heart cardiac surgery cases are performed using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), or a heart-lung machine that supports critical physiological functions for the patient’s body while the heart is being operated on.7
Off-Pump Surgery: A type of procedure that does not stop the heart and is done without putting the patient on a heart-lung machine. Off-pump CABG may reduce complications associated with the heart-lung machine.8

CABG versus PCI considerations 9 10 11


  • Complete reversal of ischemia
  • Better angina relief
  • Reduced risk of repeat procedures – one CABG can last for 10-15 years
  • Lower cost compared to angioplasty.


  • More invasive
  • Longer recovery
  • Higher risk of complications during and immediately after the procedure